We are finally at the end of Week 8 and one week closer to Spring Break! I've been coasting through and glad to say I made it.
In the week prior I had been spending a lot of alone time and just really focusing in on my schoolwork. I hadn't really spent time with any of my gal pals until this week. I figured it was time to come off my hiatus and connect. Besides it was time to put a pause on the love quest because mama was burnt out
I started off the beginning of the week hanging out with one of my classmates and her roommates at her apartment. Let me first say, it was great. I really felt like I was adulting. Everyone was literally so nice. One thing I did realize from that experience was that, that was honestly the first time in all my years so far of living that I actually really hung out with a group of people. Like not for a project of after school activity but just genuinely hanging out. I have never EVER EVER until this moment actually hung out with people.
Needless to say after that I quickly realized that I needed to get out more. Any who, I had lunch with one of my really close friends later in the week as well and it was amazing. It felt like it had been ages since we seen each other. I realized how much I really missed them.
And since I hadn't seen her and a couple other of the gal pals in our crew I decided since I didn't really have class the rest of the week I would spend that time with them. This is where our Movie Nights began.
We have been educating one of our dear gal pals on the world and creations of Marvel. She's now getting more into the Avengers. While doing all this movie watching I had a epiphany.
A month prior we had seen Black Panther. Now every Marvel dedicated fan knows that after every movie, there are clips. And if you didn't know... well now you know.
At the end of the movie in particular T'Challa and Shuri visit Oakland and there are a group of kids around. T'Challa decides to make his "bugatti spaceship" as the kids called it visible. Shuri goes over and explains the contraption to the other kids but there is one kid in particular who doesn't move. Instead of looking at the bugatti spaceship he is staring at T'Challa. T'Challa notices and the kid asks who he is. The scene ends with T'Challa smiling at the kid and then boom that's it.
I thought that was odd and at first didn't register what it could have meant until now. I brought it up to everyone and it all basically blew our minds. This is what we came up with:
1) The kid may be Erik Killmonger's son
2) The kid may or may not be the new afro-latino/ or black spider-man. I've seen a bunch of stuff about that
and with that being said
3) Erik Killmonger may not be dead.
Why? Because in the movie we do see that he pulls the spear out of his chest or wherever it pierced and he falls over but we don't necessarily see if he actually got buried in the ocean with his ancestors.
And on that note that mean MORE MICHAEL B. JORDAN
You can imagine at 4:30 in the morning how tripped out this made us. So from that we came to the conclusion that we may or may not make a twitter thread about it. And if it wasn't set in stone before... because of us... we may have actually started something.
In conclusion, I've really enjoyed the week. Embracing yourselves around friends can really just lift your spirits.
Until Week 9, guys