I'm sure you've heard the phrase love is all a game. Heck, waiting is a game. Now, I have a question. Why do we continue to play?
I'll be bluntly honest and admit I fall victim to the waiting game. I'm twenty-years-old. I've been down the wait-and-see approach more times than I can count. If a guy won't initiate the conversation, I won't either. I refuse to let him have the upper hand and expose my feelings in fear that it isn't mutual. So, lingering along until he makes a move is my answer. In spite of my desperation in speaking to a guy, I'd rather say nothing and leave it unresolved, than face humility and rejection.
And where has that left me? Regrettably single.
For some reason, I'm constantly in fear that establishing contact first will diminish my value. As if the guy now knows I'm vulnerable and has full control over my emotions. Sometimes I want to be reassured they're interested. Is there any harm in wanting a slight ego boost?
We all strive for attention and acceptance once in a while. And what's better than receiving a text message from the one you're interested in?
Thinking about it now, there is nothing more dis-empowering than sitting around for a person to initiate contact first. For all you know, they're waiting for you to make conversation, but they don't pick up on cues that you want to be approached, even though to you it was obvious. So, you think he's ignoring you, and he thinks you're ignoring him. It's a never-ending cycle, really. And unfortunately it'll end with what ifs and regrets if neither of you grow a pair and go after what you want.
I know, its tough. Especially for someone like me who lacks courage. I grew up fixated on the idea that the man should always pursue the women. If the girl were to pursue him, it's deemed as annoying and clingy. So, I wait. I let boys run the show, and expect them to chase and arrange the relationship. Some double standard we have don't we.
Why is it so complicated? Any guy would be psyched to see a girl initiate conversation. It’s not just a confidence boost to them, but it shows you're interested. You won't keep them guessing and leave them to assume through those flirtatious hugs that you're into them. It saves you both the time and unnecessary effort if you just speak how you feel.
Instead of waiting for something to happen, make it happen. Next time you're wondering why you're single while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's at 1 a.m., remember that you're in control. If you want that boy in your 10 a.m. biology class, by all means go for it. Woman up. You'll be happy you did.