There is no easy way to find out someone close to you is hurting. In my case, it was about a year ago when I came home from work like any other day. However, instead of learning what had been prepared for dinner, I was informed that my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
A million thoughts run through your head when receiving news like this. My first thought was of course that cancer was going to take my mom. After I took a step back, gathered my thoughts and cried for awhile, I knew what part of the future held for my mother. There would be plenty of doctor's visits, time in the hospital, chemotherapy treatments and all the other terrible things that accompany cancer. All of this was true, but what came along with the physical treatments was more than I ever expected.
First and foremost I have learned to appreciate all the little things in life. Getting to spend a day shopping, or see a movie or even going out for ice cream with the people I love; these are cherished moments. Before my mom was diagnosed, I would hate running errands with her, now when she asks me to run to the store with her (or for her,) I realize that even these small things are important. Spending time with the people you love is one of the most important things worth setting aside time. Jobs, school and anything else that fills your time can wait. Don't take for granted the people that are in your life and make sure they know how much you appreciate them.
Having a loved one with cancer has taught me to accept the fact that I can't control everything in life, but I can trust God and seek support. At first, I was a bit timid to admit that the whole thing was affecting me. How could it? I wasn't the one that was sick, but I slowly began to realize that when something so serious effects someone so close to you, it can be a difficult pill to swallow. There are a million people who will stand by your side when tragedy strikes. Friends who want to listen to you and provide their love and support for you and your family. I pray for my mom's health every day, and seeing all the love others have shown her through this process has been amazing. People make her food, pray for her and just check in to say hi occasionally. Everything you do for others can make a difference in their lives, no matter how small.
Never live a day without appreciating life and all it has to offer. There is no day but today to live your life, so go out and do the things that make you truly happy. Don't waste time on people who don't have time for you and learn to be happy with who you are. There are millions of experiences out there, why not have them all?
Cancer is something I always knew effected so many, but never my family. My family and loved ones have always been blessed with great health and fairly good luck. I didn't think something so big and scary could make its way into our lives. Now that it has, I am constantly reminded never to think this way again. Never underestimate anything and know that if it happened to someone else, it could happen to you.
Cancer continues to reek havoc on this world and so many people's loved ones. Ever since I came home from work and found out that my mom was one of many that would have to fight to live, my world has been rocked. I can't even imagine all the ways that it has changed her life. If I could have one wish, I'd wish for the cure for cancer. However, it's important to remember how something so evil can teach you so many good things.