Love yourself. Tattoo it in your mind and in your heart. Sometimes we forget how truly amazing and special we are. Despite all the things you may think are "wrong" with you, move past those things and just love yourself. None of us are perfect, not even close. If that's your goal to have the title of being "perfect," well you are living life the wrong way. Our imperfections are what makes us beautiful and make us unique. Strive to be the best you can be and don't be too hard on yourself. We all have our flaws and things we wish we could change about ourselves and things in our past. As hard as it is, we need to embrace all of those flaws and things we wish we could change. We need to make them into things we actually love about ourselves and we have to be thankful for our past because it is what has made us into who we are today.
Society is tough on us and it really kind of sucks. We have this idea of perfection dug deep in our minds and we have this constant pressure that everyone is watching us 24/7. Some of us feel like we need to show social media how happy and done up we are all the time just to get some likes, but that's not loving you. I love social media don't get me wrong.. But post things that describe YOU, don't waste 3 hours editing your pictures, you are beautiful no matter what and your likes don't determine anything about you. Watching the Victoria Secret Fashion Show a few nights ago, we all watch with envy and wish our stomachs were that flat and our skin glowed like theirs does...But in the end, we can't hate ourselves for loving our carbs and our go-to greasy food. We also can't get too upset when we break out in zits every once in a while because well THAT IS LIFE. Love yourself, don't fall into that societal pressure, your natural beauty is what makes you, you.
Let the past go. We all have memories and things that have happened in our past that we tend to hold a grudge on. But that grudge doesn't let us move on. Everyone, literally everyone makes mistakes. We aren't always the perfect friend or daughter/son all the time, but it is important to forgive yourself and forgive the people around you. We don't mean to hurt the ones around us but sometimes we do. Learn from it and move the heck on. The past makes us stronger. Forgive yourself, love yourself, and know that mistakes don't define you as long as you don't let them. Find the lesson in your mistakes and move on, we are all changing and growing as the years go by.
Do what makes YOU happy. Loving yourself comes with loving the things you do and loving the people you surround yourself with. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Find your people that make you love yourself even more, make you a better person, and keep you on the right track. It is important to listen to what people have to say about things you want to do, but in the end listen to your gut feeling and do what you want to do. Enjoy the little things in life that make you happy to be alive.
Always remind yourself you are good enough and you are beautiful.
Love yourself.