College is crazy, life is crazy, put them together and you will often be left feeling like a complete mess. When you start to feel like a total mess, you tend to get frustrated and hate the life you're living, those around you, and even yourself. Some people are born with a natural sense of self-confidence while others work hard just to feel comfortable in their own skin. It takes a good amount of self-love to get through this life, and often times that lack of self-love is what is keeping us from reaching our goals.
So how do you learn to love yourself? First off, realize what you are capable of. You were given this amazing body. A beating heart, a working brain, growing muscles, and bones; these things alone are capable of lifting, running, going places and doing whatever you tell them to do! Not only are you physically capable, you are mentally capable. The human mind is such an abstract thing, broaden your horizons, open your mind to new ideas and experiences. Go beyond your comfort zones and see how capable you are of simply trying new things and learning different ideas.
Realize that you are so loved by others already. Whether it's your parents, siblings, friends, grandparents, or even your pets, YOU ARE LOVED! For some reason, it's become a trend to ward off all things having to do with love and feelings. A better way to take this is to be smart with your love. Be open and accepting of love and emotions, freely give love and let others know how you feel, but don't throw your love to those who don't deserve it and don't sloppily throw your emotions where they aren't necessary. Whether you are religious or not, something that I love to follow is the Serenity Prayer:
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference".
Love who you see in the mirror. Whether you are trying to improve yourself, or are already happy with your reflection, always love that shining face in the mirror. If you are in the process of trying to improve yourself, look at that person in the mirror and see their capabilities; acknowledge how far they've come, and continue to work hard and love yourself. Talk to yourself in the mirror! Before you go to a big event or just out for a normal day, take a second to look in the mirror and say "You got this dude!"