We've all been through times when there was someone always ready to judge you. We've all been called names and had false rumors or things said about us, and that's OK, because after a while, we begin to realize it's not other peoples' opinions that matter.
Although it may seem hard at the time, once you've grown older and more mature, these lessons learned lead to the best revelation anyone can have: that the only opinion of you that matters is yours. Others can have a million motives and reasons to talk badly about you and convince others to think the same, but it usually only shows a weak character and insecurity. The most important lesson of all is to love yourself, no matter what anyone else says.
No two people in the world are the same, but everyone is beautiful in his or her own way. I know what you're thinking, and it is clichéd, but that doesn't make it any less true. No one ever deserves to be discriminated against for anything. Whether it's their race, gender, or sexuality, everyone has the right to live life they way they want to. If someone can't grasp the concept of that without being judgmental, then shame on them.
The best part of choosing not to care about what other people think and love yourself is that you are finally free to be exactly who you are, and life becomes much easier. Stress is the worst illness and only creates issue on one's life, and no one should stress over the thoughts of others. Loving yourself is a brave and monumental choice that everyone must make in life. It's okay to be you, even if people call you "weird," "dumb," or any other degrading terms. Whether your lipstick is pink, black, or bright red, it's beautiful. Whether you play sports, are a musician, or just shop for a living, own it. Your style and interests are what make you special. You should never judge someone for being different from you. And more importantly, never let someone keep you from loving yourself.
Even if you feel like you've personally been victimized more than others, just know that we all go through it. Not everyone you meet is going to like you. Even if you've done nothing wrong and have been nothing but nice to others, there will always be someone that judges you for whatever reason. It's only human, but life is not meant to be spent sobbing over the meaningless words and judgment of others. Instead, it's meant to be spent appreciating life, family, and most of all, yourself. There's only one you in the world, and that's why it's so important to love yourself.