One of the biggest statements that has stuck to me is, "You have to have love to give love". This statement has changed the way I look at different situations and scenarios. This statement has more meaning than actual love. It can be brought into real life situations.
Happiness is the most important key in life. To achieve happiness you have to be happy with yourself, and you need to love yourself. Say you go to your favorite teams sporting event. More than likely you are going to be thrilled and excited and happy, because you are happy with yourself and where you put yourself.
Many people think that happiness comes from material goods. Material goods can extend our happiness, but its just like a toy when we were younger. You play with it for awhile then you either grow out of it or you lose it and you forget about it. Then it no longer brings you happiness.
Unlike material goods, selflove can brings you consistent happiness. This goes back to the saying "to give love, you must have love". To love the world and other people and the situation that you are in, or to see the better side of things, you must love yourself.