2016 was certainly a year for the books. Good and bad, it's a year to remember. At the beginning of 2016, I made resolutions just like everyone else. I didn’t stick to them. This year, I’m going to try again. But, instead of making resolutions for the sake of making resolutions, I’m going to set goals that will make 2017 happier and healthier.
In 2017, I am going to drink more water. We are, like, 70% water. I need to drink fewer things that are bad for me and more things that are good for me. (I need to get a good water bottle.)
In 2017, I am going to do more laundry. I promise that this will be the year of never running out of clean socks, and doing my laundry before my hamper is overflowing.
In 2017, I am going to eat more green things (that are not skittles or m&m’s). I’m going to eat more things that come from nature and fewer things that come from packages.
In 2017, I am going to compliment at least one person a day. Sometimes, a kind word is all someone needs to turn his or her day around. Nothing bad ever happens when you’re being nice. Sometimes, your kind words are the only ones someone will hear all day.
In 2017, I am going to judge less and listen more. If 2016 taught us anything, it’s that everyone has their own battles they are fighting. My goal for 2017 is to listen to peoples’ stories before I jump to conclusions. I want to try to give everyone more than one chance before I jump to a conclusion or pass a judgment that is more than likely incorrect.
In 2017, I want to do more of what makes me happy. This is the big one. I want 2017 to be the year of happiness. I want to read books and listen to music and make art that will feed my soul. I want to grow my relationships with the people around me and with God. I want to be completely free. To be free, I have to let go of all of the doubts that surrounded me in 2016. I have to let go of all the trivial worries that consumed my days. This is going to be the hardest one. This resolution will take the most patience. I’m going to have to break a lot of habits for this one. I’m going to have to trust myself and trust the decisions that I make. I’m going to do things that make me better.
My goal for 2017 is to only do things that will have a positive impact on the direction of my life. I’m going to try to be healthier and happier. I’m going to try not to dwell on things that didn’t go my way. And mostly, I’m going to take every opportunity and every chance I can. I don’t want to be left with a single “what-if” when we close the door on 2017 this time next year.
Happy New Year, everyone. May it be filled with much love, happiness and many blessings.