Nana, I just wanted to take this time to tell you how much I love you. Your birthday was just a week ago and you just turned the big 7-0. Your age might be increasing, but you are as young as ever. You are still kickin' and that's one of my favorite things about you. You're always ready to do something, whether its watch the new season of "Orange is the new Black" with me, or go to the movies, out to eat, take a little stroll, get a tattoo. You might be getting older, but you have one of the youngest souls I know.
A couple months ago, our cousin had a great idea. (With the help of her mom, but either way, a great idea nonetheless.) We were able to come to California and surprise you for your birthday! Seeing your face light up and how excited you got to see us made my day. I'm so happy we can do little things for you that still make you overjoyed. You've done so much for us, I want to do everything for you. You always made an effort to talk to us and see us even though you live 1,500 miles away. Thanks a true Nana right there.
I just want to take a moment and thank you. Thank you for being around when my sister and I were growing up. Thank you for playing with us, taking care of us and watching us grow up. Thank you for everything you have paid for over the years and continue to pay for now. You have been a strong influence in our lives and a big reason who we are today. You took the time to teach your children understanding, love, compassion and so much more and because you did that, dad passed that down to us. It all started with you, Nana.
You raised my dad right and he found my mom. Together, they have been the best parents I could ask for and you have been the best Nana. A growing girl needs a strong support system and I am so lucky to have the family that I do. Nana, you truly are one of the greatest human beings on this earth and if I am half the women you are at your age, well, I'd say that's pretty great.
Thank you for everything. Happy belated Birthday. You're an amazing woman and I love you.