To my soon-to-be husband:
We have been through a lot...but you know that. The past is the past for a reason and we live and learn. We went from being young and dumb to slightly less young and dumb. But I want to let you in on a little secret; I wouldn't want to spend life with anyone else. You are the person I want to go on adventures with for the rest of my life. I wouldn't want to grow with anyone else. We have already created so many memories together and I can't wait to marry you and begin our biggest adventure yet.
Within the next few months, many things will begin to change. Although change can be good, I need you to promise me some things will never change. I never want to you to lose your drive. Your drive and desire within your heart is what makes you, you. I can see how happy you are when you are passionate about something, and it would be a shame if you let your passions die. I need you to promise me we will never be boring and you will always be spontaneous. I need random late-night trips with the windows down and the breeze blowing through my hair with no destination in mind. I need Daisy in the backseat with her head out the window and Taylor Swift on the radio. I need to be able to look over at you, see the child-like smile on your face and your beautiful blue eyes and know that everything will be OK, because you are my safe place. I need to know that in some sense we will always just be young and dumb.
I also want to thank you. Thank you for buying matching Converses with me even though it didn't sound like the best idea to you. Thank you for the flowers and cards and trips to Sephora when I "need" new makeup. But, most importantly, thank you for being there when I need to cry, telling me to stop when I'm being a baby, and treating me like a princess when I need extra love or feel sick. Thank you for loving my family and letting them in like you did me. My daddy always taught me what I deserved in a man and that I should never settle. I'm so blessed you are the man I not just want, but I deserve.
Together and individually, we have grown tremendously within the past year, and I have to give all thanks to God for allowing you to become the man you and I both needed. Undoubtedly, we will face many hardships, but I know together we can face them as long as we keep God in the midst of our relationship. You are my forever, you are my best friend and I can't thank you enough for what you have been and what you continue to be. I am ready to face any adventure with you. Never forget my love for you, Christopher Paul.
Your soon-to-be wife