“I watched a girl in a sundress kiss another girl on a park bench, and just as the sunlight spilled perfectly onto both of their hair, I thought to myself: 'How bravely beautiful it is, that sometimes, the sea wants the city, even when it has been told its entire life it was meant for the shore.'" Christopher Poindexter.
You say it is a choice, that one day you wake up and you make the decision to like the same gender. That you, have a choice in selecting the gender you want to be with -- to date, to love, to marry. And that because of you choosing to love someone of the same gender, you are committing sin. If being gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, etc., is a choice then when did you decide to become straight?
It is not a choice. It is something that has always been there, waiting to come to the surface. Do you have to wake up every morning and choose to be straight? No. No one wakes up and decides to start liking the same or opposite gender. You are born the way you are -- perfect, no matter who you choose to love. And why is it a sin if a boy likes boys or a girl likes girls? Love is love. Whom ever we choose to be with does not and should not be considered a sin.
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Love is magical and love is powerful. It is one of the purest things in this world. It is a safe haven. So why are people so afraid to be okay with same gender relationships? If you are straight, it shouldn’t matter to you or affect you in any way, shape, or form. It is not your life. You get to live your life with not a care in the world, so why can’t everyone else? By shaming same gender relationships, you are shaming love. You are taking away the purest, most extraordinary thing that we have in this world. When there is so much bad happening, at least we have love to get us by. But yet, you are diminishing someone else’s life by choosing to disagree with love. Love is love, no matter what it entails.
We are all the same. We are all put on this earth to find our very own place in this world. We were not placed here to make other people feel less of a human than any one else. We were not placed here to judge, point fingers, and hurt others. We were all given the beauty of a life, a chance, and an opportunity. Someone else’s way of living shouldn’t be of anyone else’s concern, other than that person.
I love people -- all of them. I love the bitter, the sad, the happy, and the crazy. We are all such beautifully chaotic individuals, each with a different story to tell. My story is that I was put on this earth to love. I never considered myself anything other than, me. And I still don’t. The way I have always viewed it is, I love who I love. Whether, that is a girl or boy or even, a cat or dog. And that is all there is to it, with absolutely no labels attached. I am so very lucky and proud to be able to see the world as I do.
No matter who you are, where you come from, or who you choose to love, you are beautiful and you are worthy. Keep on loving whomever, and whatever, you choose.