Every girl has dreamed about their "soul mate," the person that will bring them roses, kiss them in the rain, and maybe even drop down on one knee in the middle of Paris and propose. Our romanticized perception of love, however, isn't usually how it plays out in the real world. I realized that we need to stop looking for our knight in shining armor or larger than life gestures of love, and start looking for the unnoticed acts.
1. Love Is Asking: By asking if you've eaten dinner, or finished an assignment that is due tomorrow, they are showing you that they care for you and your well-being. Although, it may not be as dramatic as crying in the rain after a big fight, or as cute as a teddy bear that's taller than you, it shows that the individual knows what you need, not what you want.
2. Love Is Listening: We don't value the moments when they remember the small details about what you dream of, or what makes you happy after a long day as much as we should. We always thank other for getting us presents that will probably end up in the back of our closet, but we don't even notice when someone remembers the fact that we like hot tea on rainy days.
3. Love is Stability: Yes, a hot romance with passion and heartbreak sounds amazing, and you've probably seen it multiple times on the big screen, but do you really want that? If I didn't have to worry about passing classes, it might seem fun but since I am a college student who needs a degree (and money...), I think I'll go for the stable relationship and leave the excessive passion for the side.
So, stop seeking large gestures, and passion, and start notice the small acts of care that surround you every day! Happy loving!