It is the constancy of today's world--of turning on the television to see the latest news being broadcasted in regards to the violence and hatred that is succumbing the world. The constant live streaming of the happenings of today's generation flock media and every individual with a social media account scrolls through the news with perhaps a slight tinge of feeling overwhelmed for what is happening, or may just find themselves blankly staring at their screens completely unemotional and unchanged from what they read. We have become individuals showing little emotion at the sight or hearing of the rancid evil overtaking the day to day journey called life.
It is a norm in today's world to become accustomed to the ongoing violence and hatred that boils from within and yet I ask myself--where has the love gone? As a society we focus on the materialistic value of objects and the brand names as well as measure an individual's worth based on what could be considered exterior rather than measuring an individual based on their interior. As a humanity, instead of advancing forward towards bettering ourselves and expanding love, we have succumbed to the mistake of repeating our history and spreading hatred. From east to west, we have taken note of the ongoing threats that are current in today's time. As a society and a humanity we have failed to love--we have failed to achieve one of the greatest commandments, whether religious or secular, but we have failed to love. If we were to genuinely love, why would one cause harm to someone? As a society and humanity we have failed to let love dictate our thoughts and actions and have let the negative emotions and interior dominate.
Take the challenge to finally take a look within yourself and see what you find there--is it love? Is it hate? When you think and act, how would you categorize these thoughts and actions--in the love or hate category? Expand the love even if you are the sole being trying to create that positive environment--you're leading humanity and society to the right direction.