Love is a word that is thrown around so often, sometimes I wonder if we all actually understand what love really is. Love can be understood in a variety of different ways. It can be used lightly, in reference to a place you enjoy visiting, your favorite kind of ice cream or how you feel about your favorite singer. Or, it can be used to define the feeling you have when you're around people who make you happy. Maybe you love your parents, your friends, your pet, and perhaps have even accomplished one of the most difficult feats... you love yourself. Love is commonly used to describe those happy emotions you can't help but feel every time you are around someone or something that makes you happy.
Love is a word of many meanings, as we can see. By far the best kind of love, the love that I "love" to talk about, is the love that exists between two people who are meant to spend their lives together. This is the best kind of love that exists. This kind of love is rare and beautiful and it makes us happier than we have ever been and will ever be in our entire lives. This love, the kind you fall into, is the kind that can make you look twice at your life, cause you to make crazy decisions and lead you to try different things that you never even dreamed of doing.
The positive connotations that accompany "love" are far and few between. It's so easy to describe how and why someone else can make you endlessly and beautifully happy. But what about those moments when love becomes hard to feel? Because let's face it... If you've ever been head over heels in love with someone, you know that there are times when life throws every possible challenge at you and sometimes it's so much that you can forget why you're with this person...
Sometimes you wake up and you feel like the world is at your feet. Sometimes it feels like you can do anything as long as that person is by your side. Because of course, all things are possible with love. But when the rain begins to fall and then the rain falls harder and harder and no matter how high you turn them up, your windshield wipers just can't work fast enough for you to see the road ahead; no matter how hard you try to stop it, you just can't get those tears to stop falling.
Maybe you can figure things out, if you get the rain to stop falling long enough. Maybe you can come up with alternative ideas, if only the tears would stop flooding your mind. Maybe you two could get back on track, if only you could sit down and talk things through. Maybe nothing has actually changed between you two.
Nothing has changed. The world outside is cold and cruel and all of us are just trying to live day to day with the hopes of making the best decisions that we can. Every day we are all faced with struggles, desperation and pain. Although all three are always present, they are also always changing. There's always a new friend you can't trust, the death of a loved one, the coworker who bullies you, the class you can't seem to pass, the presentation that tripped up your words, the illness that plagued your mind and body.... None of us are always able to make it over every mountain we are faced with.
But love? That's the one thing that never changes. Love is the one thing in the world that's always worth fighting for... every time. Love is the one thing we can all believe in when it feels like all hope is gone. Love is the closest thing to a miracle that we experience in our lifetimes. Love is the only dream that we can't ever wake up from.
Love is the one thing that is always worth giving your all for.
Love is what gets us out of bed when it feels like the world is against us.
Love is the feeling of content that comes with falling asleep next to the love of your life.
Love is the power that races through your bones when you feel more powerless than you ever have in your life.
Love is the light that shines through the never-ending darkness that protrudes our nightmares.
Love is the pink flower that grows in a field of green weeds.
Love is the other side of the mountain that seemed impossible to climb.
Don't give up on love. Life gets hard, life is complicated but love is simple. Love is the one aspect of life that doesn't change. It's the one part of life that will always make sense. Love isn't hard work but life is. Finding the courage to communicate, finding the words with which to share how you feel, letting yourself be vulnerable even when you want to keep your head held high... That's what love will let you do. Love will let you approach the hard parts of life but it will never make your life harder.
Never mistake the difficulties of life as pain that is caused by love. Love will never betray you, it will never hurt you, it will never expose you, it will never cause you pain. Love will build you up, it will not tear you down. But life will betray you, life will hurt you, life will expose you and life will cause you pain.
So if life will cause us pain and love will only cause us joy, why do we constantly let each other choose life over love?
Stand up for love, it's your world, too.