Why I Love Trump's Wall | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Love Trump's Wall


Why I Love Trump's Wall

* PSA this is an article not meant to change your opinion. Sorry, the title is CLICKBAIT :) *


If you haven't been a recluse for the past 16 months, then you know who 'the Donald' is. If you don't know who he is, then you are a blessed soul. You're a soul that may need a friend or two to get out of the house, but on the grand scheme, you're still blessed.

Donald Trump is going to build a wall. A great wall that is. A wall that spans the southern border of America. It's going to cost a lot; a bare minimum of $25 billion. And this excludes maintenance and surveillance of the wall. So it's going to be quite a bit more in the long run.

Since the last time I checked, 'build your own wall' discounts or coupons still do not exist at Home Depot or Lowes. And with less than 20 days to the election, I wanted to know the plan of paying for this wall.

I found Trump's plan on his website. It's a total of two pages. Size 12, maybe size 14, single spaced.

According to his grand scheme, we are going to blackmail Mexico.

Trump started out by targeting the $25 billion that immigrants send to Mexico every year. The Bank of Mexico tracks how much the country receives in remittances on a monthly basis. A remittance is a sum of money sent, especially by mail, in payment for goods or services or as a gift. These remittances are usually sent through electronic money transfers, MoneyGram, Western Union, etc.

In 2015, Mexico took in nearly $25 billion in total, including from countries besides the United States. But most of it was from the United States. This is where Trump logic comes in.

Trump's plan is to target companies like MoneyGram and Western Union. People use these sites to easily transfer money without needing as much information as a bank would need to transfer money.

His plan is to require "that no alien may wire money outside of the United States unless the alien first provides a document establishing his lawful presence in the United States."

It's going to be an amendment to the law 31 CFR 130.120-121. 31 CFR 130.120-121 requires banks, federally regulated or otherwise, to maintain a Customer Identification Program, which basically contains basic facts about you: where you live, SSN, residency details, etc.

On day 1 promulgate a "proposed rule" (regulation) amending 31 CFR 130.121 to redefine applicable financial institutions to include money transfer companies like Western Union, and redefine "account" to includewire transfers.

Promulgate is a fancy way of saying declare a law. Now, I'm not going to go into the specifics of making a law, but it's pretty detailed. Long story short, a president cannot just declare something to be a law. That's called a dictatorship.

Anyways, this 'promulgation' is controversial. The Affordable Health Care Act took three years to pass. So this could take just as long. And since there are 469 seats in Congress up for reelection, we have to take in account that the republican majority might not last.

So his three day plan already has a lot of delays. Yes, on his outline the funding for the wall will take only three days to collect. Oh to live in your own delusions. It's quite a luxury for the privileged white man. *Sigh*

On day 2 Mexico will immediately protest. They receive approximately $24 billion a year in remittances from Mexican nationals working in the United States.

I asked my Magic 8 ball if Mexico will protest, and it agrees the protest of the plan.

On day 3 tell Mexico that if the Mexican government will contribue the funds needed to the United States to pay for the wall, the Trump Administration will not promulgate the final rule, and the regulation will not go into effect.

Lol. Here's the straight up definition of promulgate:

1. promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). 2. put (a law or decree) into effect by official proclamation


There's a lot of issues with this plan. Blackmail has not worked in the past, whether if its on TV or in your social circle. Blackmail asides, Trump is only asking for an amount between $5-10 billion, this wall is going to cost more than twice that amount.

Now, I do not have all the answers to the illegal immigration problem, heck I don't even have one. I just wanted to know how Trump plans on paying for the wall. I read his plan so you don't have to. But hey, it's only two pages long, check it out for yourself:



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