The power to ensorcell a crowd
Often rests in the hands of the other sex
My own calloused hands could not burden to bewitch such a crowd
As one might expect of a girl
But these calloused hands
This stentorian voice
Will not be silenced
In the pursuit of a justice much greater than me
In the pursuit of a purpose much greater than can possibly be perceived through privilege
Men’s privilege
White privilege
Straight privilege
Mental Privilege
Juxtaposed next to
Neglect of women
Neglect of people of color
Neglect of queers
Neglect of the mentally ill
Souls left unspoken in a world unwilling to listen
Because the one who can ensorcell a crowd
Because the one who can shake us to our core
Must rest on the shoulders of the privileged and in the mouths of the neglected
For neglect often knows knowledge that cannot be appropriated by privilege
Love trumps hate