These past couple of days have consisted of some of the craziest things I've ever seen. After a loss for Clinton on November 9, so much has happened. California is supposedly attempting to Secede and protests are occurring all over the country. Living in Boston at this time has been extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to unite to continue to fight for love and equality.
All over social media platforms, almost everything I've seen has been related to the election results. The horror many people of color, members of the lgtbqa+ community, and other non-majority religious groups face is extreme. Many supporters of Trump have already displayed very discriminatory behavior, and exhibit an array of prejudiced judgements on minority groups.
The fact of the matter is as such: "Trump was elected president of the United States by the electoral college so now what? What can we do?"
We continue our fight. We continue to speak up and not get discouraged. We continue our revolution. We refuse to conform. We continue to love others. We continue to do everything we've been doing because we can't give up on how far we've come. We must remain politically active and voice out against the inequality and injustices that we encounter.
At the rallies, one of my favorite chants to recite was "Love Trumps Hate" and the message is simple yet also speaks so true. Now is the time to get involved, become politically active, volunteer with organizations that need the help, make a donation for the greater good. Don't allow yourself to be oppressed by the oppressors. Now, more than ever, we must join forces to make our voices heard.
In order to maintain progression, we must prevent any viable form of regression and that requires us to continue to speak up. Continue to be passionate about social reform/climate change/environmental concerns and don't allow the future generations to suffer from the mistakes of the older generations that won't be around to face the repercussions of their actions.
It won't be easy by any means but with continued perseverance, time, and hard work we can take back our America and truly make it great.