I think 'love' could have a very broad definition. Because let's face it, in reality, we all love differently. We all have our own ways that we love people. If sacrifice, for example, we sacrifice what we have and who we are to see someone else happy. Or maybe it's just shooting a text, snapchat, message, direct message, or picture to let someone know we are thinking about them and in our heads that is enough. And lastly maybe you love with your whole heart, you do all those things and more. However you love, circumstances have led us to our current idea. Past relationships have taught us when to guard and when letting down that guard is necessary. Or maybe you've never been in a serious relationship, but other friendships or seeing other couples put your own idea of what you want in your head. While you're reading where I'm at now with my definition, I want you to know that each relationship (good or bad) does have meaning. Do not regret getting hurt, or choosing your own happiness (even if you hurt someone else in the process). The point is to learn from each and every relationship or situation we face, because we do gain from it in the long run.
Let me tell you what love means to me. Love to me isn't just about the gifts or doing things for each other just because you want to see them smile. It's about meeting or finding that one person who may not be perfect, but you see them as the closest thing to it. It's the memories that you two have and will have together in the future. It's about learning what they like and dislike, or what they're passionate about. It's about bickering, but putting aside your differences and agreeing to move on and put it behind you both for the best of your relationship. It's about loving that person for everything they are today and everything they want to be. It's about appreciating their past because it has made them, them. It's not about throwing their past or who they used to be in their face, ever. It's about meeting someone who finally made you realize why it not only never worked out with anybody else, but why it cannot work with anybody else. It's about seeing them when you close your eyes, and wanting to see them every minute possible when your eyes are open. It's about knowing when to talk and when to listen.
Love is being ridiculously crazy, happy in love, and not knowing your actions sometimes because that's how much your feelings overwhelm you. It's about having someone who doesn't always react the way they should, but loving them anyways. It's about even between any silence that exist, you know that they're always going to be on your mind and you're never going to leave theirs. Love is about accepting, and encouraging each other in each and every decision you or they make together or as a person. It's about wanting to be there for them for everything you possibly can because you know they would do the same for you.
Love can make you annoying or turn you into smothering someone with your affection. It can make you apologize, worry, and overthink things you shouldn't (haven't we all been there on those 3 o'clock mornings with millions of other things we could be focusing on?). It's about not wanting to ever lose that person or see them with someone else. It's about talking EVERYTHING out because communication is so important. It's about not hiding a single thing about yourself, not even a reaction because having them accept you for all of you is crucial. It is about sometimes sacrificing, but never changing who you are. It's about those "I'm not just saying that, I really do mean it." moments. Those times you can't stop looking or admiring that person when you're with them, because they are everything you've ever wanted and more (no really, you didn't even dream about someone so perfect). It's about determination and wanting them, and only them for the rest of your life.
Finally, love is why you're reading this smiling like some love struck teenager, whatever age you are, with that special someone on your mind.