Many people are afraid to dress and/or act a certain way because they are afraid of how others might perceive their actions.
I am a 19-year-old girl that has an unhealthy obsession with cats, everyone that knows me will agree. Pusheen the cat happens to be my favorite. It's become something to joke about, even causing me to earn the nickname "Pusheen" within my circle of friends. For so long, prior to Longwood, I allowed what I expected others to think of me to discourage me from feeling happy and confident divulging into the one thing that makes me happy. Loving a cartoon cat is a harmless pastime, as are many other 'obsessions' like Disney characters and television shows.
Harmless loves are villanized by expectations. We discourage ourselves because of how we believe others MIGHT judge us, without even giving them the chance to disprove their assumptions.
People are going to be judgemental despite what you do, wear, or love; therefore, you might as well be able to say you have been purely and honestly yourself regardless of their disapproval. To limit yourself to what others expect you to be is an exhausting full-time job that you can quit at any time.
So love your Ariel bedspread and rock your Teen Wolf T-shirts and, for goodness sake, buy that Pusheen fanny pack and wear it every day.
Ultimately, at the end of the day, life is much too short to not fill it with what you love.