After October 31st, some people only have eyes for Christmas. It’s not hard to do considering most stores put up Christmas décor as early as the beginning of November. We didn’t even get a chance to finish our Halloween candy before Starbucks brought back the Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino. Thanksgiving can often be seen as the stereotypical “middle child” to Halloween and Christmas. It shouldn’t be taken as a stepping stone closer to Christmas. It is its own holiday filled with joyous traditions that deserve to be celebrated as they are.
Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends gather to eat more than they should and spend time in each other’s company. A big celebration and gathering is your typical Thanksgiving. However, mine is quite the opposite. My family doesn’t get all dressed up and drive to a grandparent or aunt's house, we simply feast in our pajamas. Comfort is everything to us. Besides, who wants to be wearing jeans when all your thinking about is how many more helpings of stuffing you can get on your plate before it becomes obvious you took too much? Thanksgiving in my house is relaxing and I couldn’t love it more. We all help cook with the Macy’s Parade playing in the background. The game of how long will it take my dog to steal some food is ongoing. As the day progresses and the Thanksgiving Day episodes of Friends start to come on, my sister and I sit down to watch. We still laugh despite the fact that we’ve seen every episode at least twice. Eventually the timers go off, the table it set, and it is time to eat. Although there is only four of us, we made enough food for ten. That’s okay because like our friend Ross, who doesn’t love a good leftovers sandwich? Anyway, eating too much is a part of the holiday. And spending it with loved ones makes it all the better.
I personally love Thanksgiving and all it entails. Like most people, I am thankful for having a comfortable place to sleep, being able to attend college, having clothing, food and water. In addition to all those amazing, yet often over looked pieces of life, I’m thankful for everything in between. First off, my family. We may not see each other all the time, but when we do it’s like we see each other every day. Knowing that there are people out there that love you makes life easier to live. Another thing that makes it easier to live is health. When you have your health, you have everything. I am thankful for the healthy eating and active habits I was raised with. Furthermore, I’m thankful for the little things in life. For example, those stories and jokes that make you laugh so hard you feel like you just did an ab workout or when people call you just to hear your voice. Even smaller things as well, like crossing off tasks on your to-do list or putting on comfortable shoes. I guess what I am trying to say is, there is so much to be thankful for; not only on Thanksgiving but every day of the year.