Why I Love The Tennessee Wraith Chasers
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Why I Love The Tennessee Wraith Chasers

They're men of God and men of science.

Why I Love The Tennessee Wraith Chasers
Tennessee Wraith Chasers

Anyone that knows me knows that I love the show "Ghost Asylum"on Destination America. Ever since I discovered it back in March, I've been obsessed. Being a believer in the paranormal, I've watched my fair share of paranormal investigation shows, but none of them compare to this show. Unlike many other paranormal investigation shows, "Ghost Asylum" isn't just a bunch of guys freaking out and cussing when a speck of dust flies by.

The team on "Ghost Asylum", the Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC), is absolutely amazing. I've never seen a more professional team of paranormal investigators in any of the other shows that I've watched. Not only are they professional, but they also work well as a team. It's easy to tell that the investigations that they do aren't just jobs to them. They're passionate about their work and they put all of their effort into each case. Each team member has their own strengths, and they work together to utilize each person's specific strength. The Tennessee Wraith Chasers are a shining example of what a strong team should be!

Not only are they a great team, but they’re also Godly men! Something that took the world of television by storm was when the Robertson Family from the hit reality television show, "Duck Dynasty" on A&E, prayed at the end of every episode, and the men of TWC do that at the beginning of every investigation. They are Godly men that are on a mission to free the lost spirits that are still trapped in the asylums, hospitals and other various locations that they investigate. During every investigation, the team uses various scientific instruments in an attempt to capture evidence and proof of the paranormal. This a group of God-fearing, intelligent, educated men. Several of them have experienced what they believe to be paranormal events, and their goal is to prove by scientific means that what they see, feel and hear are real.

We can all learn something from the men of TWC. They are grounded in their Christian Faith and utilize the information from their spiritual upbringing, as well as their research, to make new discoveries regarding the paranormal. Unlike the personalities on other paranormal shows, TWC is out to prove something and gain evidence that will aid them in proving the existence of the paranormal. They do their investigations, do their research and educate others.

As an avid viewer of the show, I have learned so much about the various scientific methods, as well as instruments, that the men use throughout their investigations. Not only have I become more knowledgeable in the paranormal through this show, but I am thoroughly entertained throughout each episode. There is a stereotype that people from the South are not very intelligent, but all of these men are educated and are extremely knowledgeable in their fields including, but not limited to, physics, chemistry, history and engineering. What may seem like some Southern, backwoods good ol’ boys are actually professional, experienced scientific-minded researchers.

These men are the real deal. They are a team and “a band of brothers” as Co-Founder of TWC, Chris Smith, calls them. Each member of the team is united in a common cause. They look out for each other, protect each other, learn from each other, teach each other and grow as one. In an episode after a member of the team, Brannon Smith, was possessed by what the team believes to be a demon, Chris Smith stated, “We are a brand of brothers. If one goes, we all go. You know, five burly guys saying a prayer…that means something to me.”

The corporate members of Destination America saw the talent of the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, and fans are eager to follow along with TWC on their investigations in a fourth season. I believe that the men of TWC have earned the respect through their credibility, dedication and honest analysis, as well as presentations of their findings. To Chris, Brannon, Porter, Doogie, Chasey Ray and Mike- thank you for being such wonderful role models, keeping it real and for not being afraid to express your beliefs, as well as share your Christian faith. It's refreshing to see strong men lead by example, and that's one of the reasons that your fans are so loyal and why we love you so much!

Oh, and if y'all ever need any help, call me!

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