I would like to preface this article by saying that I know not many people are very close with their siblings. For that, I am sorry. My childhood was quite eventful and at times the only person that I had was my brother because we went through these things together.
Life sucks. But people are what help you through. My brother has always been there for me.
Dear BCC,
You are my hands down my favorite person in existence. I would never change anything about my life because I fear that it would, in turn, change you. You are the kindest, most humble, open-minded, thoughtful person I have ever met. I worry that I learn more from you than you will ever be able to learn from me. You are quiet when I am loud and you let things go when I hold on. You put everyone else first and you constantly inspire me with your selflessness. Anytime I talk to you I am left awe-struck by the human that you are growing into.
I know that when we were younger we had small spats but I can't recall ever hating you like my friends 'hated' their siblings. No offense to anyone else, (i.e. mom, dad, grandparents, friends) but you are who I look forward to seeing most when I come home. It sucks that after so many years of being right down the hall we are miles apart. I can't just sit with you on the couch and watch funny videos or a movie or go on a drive and share my new music finds with you. I'm so sorry that I have to grow up and that growing up means leaving you behind. I want you to know that no matter the time of day, I will always be here for you. Call me until I answer and I will talk you through whatever is happening or come get you or just listen to whatever life problems are going on.
You are such a big factor in my life and I think about you often, when I was thinking about schools, I thought about you. I don't want you to think that you are alone. Especially because I know what you go through, I've been there. Trust me. I don't understand how you handle things with such grace.
If ever you feel like you are less than you are, please remember that you are so much more than a minute of anger may portray.
So many people compliment me all the time on the way that we treat each other and our appreciation for one another and that means so much to me. I hope you never feel like I am against you.
I'm so grateful that I get to be your big sister. I'm so grateful that I have been able to watch you explore and interact and love people. I'm so grateful for you.
Thank you for having sibling dance offs with me and for singing HSM and Les Mis with me in the car. Thank you for listening to my problems and offering solutions. Thank you for saying that you hate the guys that break my heart, thank you for saying you'll beat up any new guy who does. Thank you for knowing when I'm not okay. Thank you for taking one look at my face and deciding to make cookies. Thank you for making me laugh until I cry.
Thank you for being the best brother that I could ever imagine or hope to have.
Love Always,
P.S. I hard-core sobbed while writing this.