February is the month of love, mainly because of Valentine's Day. It is nice when guys give girls chocolates and flowers and do romantic things, but is that all love is? There is more to love than chocolate and flowers. Love is much more; it can even be a phone call, a time to hangout, other gifts, a hug, etc. Plus, the simplest acts can sometimes speak love louder than anything else. Love is what bonds all relationships, couples and friendships alike. Without love, there would be chaos and fear among society and individuals. Love can do so much more, and the power of love is what changes everything.
I have a best friend whom I've known since kindergarten and we've gone to the same schools up until we graduated from high school. We never really connected and became friends until half-way through junior year. After that, we could never imagine life without each other. She was the one who proved to me I was never alone from the beginning, even when I felt like that years prior. She felt bad when I was bullied in middle school and regretted not standing up for me; that was one of the biggest regrets she ever had in her life. When I forgave her, weight was lifted off both of our shoulders. We may have carried different burdens, but our love is what brought us together in a friendship that is bound to last a lifetime.
During senior year, something changed with her. She was a lot thinner and I never saw her eating lunch. I didn't think much of it at first, until later that year she was out for three weeks. I asked her sister where she was, and all she told me was that she had a health problem, which could mean a lot of different things. I did not have my friend's number at the time, so I decided to send her a card. I wrote on the card that I may not have known what was happening, but I was still there for her and she could talk to me about anything on her mind. I also included my number so she could text me. When she got the card and read it, she immediately texted me, saying:
"Hey Em, it's me. Your card meant the entire world to me. It means so much that you would take the time to send it to me! I am doing much better and am actually going to be coming back to school after break, so I will see you soon. Maybe we can talk when we get back, but thank you again for your amazing card. You are a true friend and I will never forget the eternal love and compassionate forgiveness you have shown me."
My friend was gone because of an eating disorder, which would explain her being thinner and not eating much at school, so she had to take care of herself. We eventually found a chance to hang out before we left for college, and she told me again that my card was very touching. She even told me that you know who is really there for you when you need it most. Turns out, her best friend never even wondered where she was when she was gone. I cared deeply about my friend, so I would show that love to her. (Also, besides eternal love, she also describes me having unconditional love too.) Who knew that one card/letter could change everything.
Love can come in all shapes and sizes. One huge act of love can do so much, but even the smallest act can do the same. It does not matter how big or small love can show; what matters is that it is shown. Reach out to a friend, a sibling, a stranger, etc., and show them love, any form of love. You never know what one small act can do to change someone's life unless you do it.