While most chick flicks and love songs are quality entertainment for most, they make me feel somewhat uncomfortable. When you are singing along to the radio or watching your favorite show, do you realize what ideas are being subliminally embedded in your mind? We look around today and wonder "Where is the love?" when this generation does not even have a clear idea of what love is anyway. Here's just a few lies we are being fed when it comes to love and pop culture:
Take the line, :screaming, crying, perfect storms." No Taylor, that's not healthy. I am constantly reading posts from couples who claim, "all the fights made us stronger.” No, it doesn't make you stronger, it makes you stupid. Love is not some difficult concept to grasp. You shouldn't have to fight tooth and nail to keep someone. Stop over complicating something that is supposed to be simple. I'm not saying it will be peaches and cream all the time, but if you find yourself in the middle of a soap opera everyday then it is not love, it's a mess.
Another example would be any John Green or Nicholas Sparks movie. These two men have a habit of forcing the idea that love, and only love will save us. This could not be more deceitful. Time after time they tell us that one day we are going to find the guy that is going to make all of our dreams come true. But let me tell you a thing: You are the only person who is going to make your dreams happen and God is the only One who is going to save you. Don't confuse God's will with yourdesires. He has great things planned, but you will miss them while chasing after the wrong person.
Now, please don't get me wrong. I am not a cynical young adult bashing all relationships. I am warning those around me to be cautious in how they perceive real relationships. Love is not a game, it is not "likes on Instagram" or "goals." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us, "Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy or boast: it's not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way.” Ya'll, the Bible spells out love for us and we are still getting it wrong. While you are waiting (and praying) for "the one,” do not forget to live your life. Do not let your state of content in God's plan be contingent on your relationship status.
As long as we remember that all of these movies and songs are fiction, then we will be fine. Too often people confuse fiction with reality and then go through life disappointed because they weren't "the exception." Ladies and Dudes, pray for your future spouse but don't get caught up in the chase while doing so.