There are many things in life that humans are expected to be responsible for. For some, this may be working to maintain a steady income. For others, it could be attending school to earn a degree. These responsibilities are challenges. How we react to our challenges ultimately defines our character. But have we ever taken the time to consider who, or what, is responsible for each and every one of us on a daily basis? Have we ever looked up from our crazy lifestyles to analyze the bigger picture?
Our planet has many unique perspectives. On one had, the earth can be visualized as this vast spread of land and sea – home to every living creature in the book. On the other, it’s merely a speck of dust compared to the stars and planets far beyond. Something as mysterious and full of discovery should truly be appreciated more. In just a few short days, we will be making our way through another Earth Day, where we spend one time period focusing primarily on how we can protect and shelter our world from hazardous toxins. As wonderful of an idea as this is, shouldn’t we spend more than one day out of the 365 a year to shed some earthly appreciation? I personally think it deserves more than it receives. Even something as simple as recognizing the importance of our world can make a difference. What does living on this planet mean to you?
I love our earth because it embraces the quality of nature.
Take a look around. Notice the details of the trees and and the green hues of the grass. Nature emphasizes the value of growth. Just as we grow every day, the plants and fruits of the earth do as well. Our world has reserved countless beautiful views that were created without the help of man. How lucky are we to be given the opportunity to explore these magnificent wonders?
I love our earth because even after the damage we continue to cause, it remains forgiving.
It’s in our human nature to act without realizing every risk. This especially plays into recycling and switching to non-synthetic resources. Don’t lie, at some point in your life you’ve probably thrown away an item that could have been recycled. I know I have. Or maybe you’ve left the water running while brushing your teeth? These are natural occurrences and happen subconsciously. The last thing I would want is to lecture about saving the planet, because you’ve heard it all before. However, we should treat the resources that we have with greater respect.
I love our earth because it is considered home to many different cultures.
As we go through life living in one place, we tend to forget about the other cultures and populations surrounding us. When we fall asleep, another country is waking up. When we layer up to play outside in the snow, another country is basking in the warmth of the sun. We live such a diverse lifestyle than the rest of the world, and it’s simply amazing to imagine ourselves existing any other way. As we’ve learned, there are seven continents, roughly 200 countries among them, and they all call the same earth their home.
I love our earth because even throughout the turmoil, it still holds such beautiful potential.
Wars, riots, and attacks all take place throughout the world at any given time. Disagreements between nations end in violence and destruction these days, and for some reason that can’t seem to be reversed. There never appears to be a time on the news where there isn’t some sort of conflict that pushes our senses to the edge. Nevertheless, one thing remains hopeful: each day is a new day. Resolutions are possible - peace is achievable.
I love our earth because it has given me my family, the people I love most.
Where would we be without the constant love and support from our families? I couldn’t imagine spending my days looking for a reason to move forward without them. My family keeps me sane, they love me for who I am. That is one thing in this ever-changing world that will never change.
I love our earth because I am constantly motivated to become a better version of myself.
There are so many reasons out there to drop everything and surrender. The weight of our constant challenges may become more than we can bare. But in the midst of it all, the motivation to succeed is always prevalent. People are waiting to see you shine, so give them that pleasure. Above all, thank the world for providing the life you live. Make something out of this year's Earth Day - give back to a planet, a home to all, that clearly deserves more than it receives.
“Live in each season
as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign
yourself to the influence of each.” - Henry David Thoreau