In light of all that has happened in Charlotte, I've decided to write this article after putting it off for far too long. I truly do not wish to offend anyone with this article, however I am concerned about my home!
Ever human being should be loved; no matter race, religion, sexual orientation, preferences on lifestyle or personal views. Judgement of any kind is cruel and should be kept to yourself, instead show LOVE. Love is "unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another"- Merriam Webster. It doesn't always have to be a family member you show unconditional love towards, the concern for the good of another means you look out for others. Love does not have a color preference, it encompasses us all!
Everyone should be able to express what they believe!
No one should be forced to listen to another persons views, different views should be heard but not forced upon another.
Everyone is free to speak their mind and let their opinion be known. But it doesn't always mean that it's always expressed the correct way. There is a time and place for your voice to be heard, that instead of throwing stones, talk to one another. Show that you are moved by a certain situation by speaking peacefully and wholeheartedly.
It is childish, to throw violence at violence. It will not solve anything but cause fear for ones safety and wellbeing.
It can never be truly justified for one person to take another's life. But it only takes one death to ignite fear and anger.
Fear and hate fuels the diversity median that continues to get larger as protesters keep on marching. All anyone is hearing is that people are angry, guess what many people are angry at what is going on, with many issues. One matter should not cause even more problems, then before. Destroying property and scaring innocent civilians is doing nothing. It is not solving anything, it is just instilling more distress.
I should not be afraid to walk around my own campus, in chance that the rumor is true that riots are coming to my school. When my Alma Mater held a prayer vigil, I didn't attend for chance that something would happen. Not that my peers would do anything but that someone from outside the community would try something. I should be able to stand with my fellow classmates and show respect to both families that are grieving and police officers, instead I stayed in my room shrouded in fear.
Is that really what America has come to, fear of one another. Not fear of one race over the other, but fear of those that don't understand, fear of those that just want to fight. The wish to fight because that is all they think they can do, their voice should be able to be heard. As of now, no one has tried to voice what they want, (not properly anyway). Violence is not the answer!
Change does need to happen, there isn't one solution though but it is possible!