This article will be short and sweet.
My wife and I may have our problems but all in all we love each other and I believe that we will last through thick and thin. I do not know much of what is to come but I can definitely say that we were meant to be together. I am happy to celebrate my 8 month wedding anniversary with her later this month.
When we first met in was in a Facebook group. I pestered her for two weeks until she finally became my girlfriend. Ever since then we have been through a ton of crap together and I believe we have come out on top. We started dating on January 26, 2016 and were married November 21, 2016. I have never been happier and I would never have made it this far without her.
Yes, we have had had our fair share of trials and tribulations. We have gone through just about every bad thing possible and have come through somehow. I love her and only her. That is the truth. Anyone else I think I've "fallen for" is only because they remind me of her in some way shape or form. She is the only person I am attracted to and the only one I ever wanna be with. I know this hurts some people I've become close to but I cannot deny the truth any longer. My wife is the only person for me. I love everything about her from her smile, her hair, her laugh, to the weird raptor calls she makes to startle me. I am where I belong.