As I just celebrated turning nineteen, my birthday was filled with love, happiness, and celebrations. I have always been one who has loved my birthday, and I wished my birthday would last all month. Even though each year I am getting older, I still feel the same way about my birthday as I did when I was 5 years old. I look at it as a way to celebrate everything I have accomplished that year, all the memories that I made, and what I have learned.
Yes, I totally understand that I am still young and some people might say I will change my mind when I am older, but I can't think of a reason why I would. Getting older is a part of life, and as soon as you accept that, the sooner you can start living at whatever stage of life you are at. You have to enjoy whatever stage of life you are at and quit looking toward the future because the future is going to come soon enough.
Birthdays are not supposed to make you sad, they are supposed to be a celebration and make you happy. So instead of wasting the day and being sad about it, do things that you love to do with the people you love. That's the best way to celebrate your day. That doesn't mean you have to go out and party all night long, you just have to do things that make you truly happy. If you want to have a movie night with friends, do it. If you want to go out all night long, do it. If you want to call in sick and have the day to yourself, do it, but make sure you won't get fired. This day is meant to celebrate you and you truly deserve to be celebrated, or in my case I would like to celebrate the whole month. Every single person deserves to have the attention on them for at least a day. So, instead of letting the years pass by and hating on your birthday, learn to love it and enjoy it, because someday will come and honestly, I would rather look back and remember all the wonderful celebrations and memories I had on my birthday, rather than not having any amazing stories at all.