Ever since I can remember, music has been my thing. I've just always been amazed by the songs, bands and atmosphere they create together. So naturally, ever since my first concert, I was hooked, and no one could stop me. Of course, then I discovered music festivals, and there was this whole new beast for me to get involved with. I went to my first one when I was 15, if you count Warped Tour, but I went to my first three-day festival when I was 18, and from there, I was a goner and had to make sure I went to every single one out there. They aren't for everyone, but they are magical to those who love them.
1. You make friends with strangers.
You stand for a hour or so waiting for some sets to start, so naturally, if you're in the mood to talk, your group starts talking to the group next to you, and for that time period, you guys are the best of friends and you love all of the same things. Then after,r the band is done playing and you go your separate ways, but that is OK.
2. You are gross, everyone is gross, no one cares.
These three-day adventures usually happen during the summer, so obviously, it's going to be sunny, hot and humid. Everyone is going through the same struggle though, so there's this silent encouragement to just embrace it and not worry about smelling good right then.
3. The food
OK, so it's a wee bit expensive since you're trapped in the confines of the festival and it's your only option, but wow is it good. There are burritos, tacos, corn dogs, ice cream, popsicles and just so much more. So worth the money.
4. Have you ever laid in the middle of a field and listened to a bands live set?
Top 10 favorite things to do.
5. Cool art
I'm a sucker for a nice band poster, and festivals are crawling with the artists who create them. On top of that, there are sometimes cool art installations and maybe even some puppets walking around.
6. Last but not least, the music.
I've been to way too many concerts to count, and I can say hearing bands at festivals is just better. I don't know what it is. Maybe because we are all hot and sweaty and enjoying the same festival or maybe bands just love performing at festivals more or maybe I'm just dehydrated and tired so in my mind its better at the time. Who knows but whatever it is, it's just so freaking fun.
It's three days of disgustingness, amazing food, hundreds of people who love the same things and amazing live performances. Music festivals are not for everyone, but those who love them will never get tired of them. There is just something so special and awesome about them, and I know I'm going to be that grandma still hanging out at them, and I can't wait for all the ones I'll go to before then.