My anxiety has always been difficult to manage and marijuana is one of the only things that helps with my anxiety. When I smoke, it calms me and makes my anxiety go away (obviously, it doesn't work 100% of the time and I have definitely smoked and still felt anxious, so I'm not saying it ALWAYS work. However, it does truly help my anxiety and I doubt anything would be able to help 100% of the time).
With the recent car crash, marijuana even helps my neck pain. It doesn't completely make the pain go away, but it allows me to focus on other stuff, like writing an essay for class. My mind is able to be distracted from the pain with other tasks I need to do. This helps me get sh*t done and not be miserable while doing it.
My point is marijuana HELPS. It helps me deal with my anxiety and my pain. I'm sure some people think it would be better for me to use some other means of helping me, but I've TRIED. Marijuana is the only thing that's helped me so far. I had pills for when a panic attack happens prescribed by my doctor, but they didn't work for me. However, if I can smoke a bowl while I'm in the middle of a panic attack, it ALWAYS helps to calm me down. Smoking while feeling anxious has probably prevented more panic attacks than I even realize.
All I know is that marijuana is always there to help me when my anxiety is straight-up unmanageable but I still have sh*t to get done. It's there for me when my neck hurts so much that I can't even focus on my homework. It HELPS and what more could I ask from it?