I am currently a Biology major in my sophomore year of college, but I didn't start out that way. For years, I thought I wanted to be a high school math teacher and as I took classes and realized what I would be doing the rest of my life, I found out it wasn't for me. This is a sort of follow up to an article I wrote that focused on the stigma of being undecided or changing your major in college.
It can be intimidating filling out that form and declaring a new major. What if it sets me back? What if I decide I don't like this either? What if I'm not successful in this field? I am in my first full semester as a Biology major right now and I know I chose the right path. I found out that even though it's okay to break down over your classes when it gets tough, it's not okay to feel like that all the time. That is unhealthy and takes a toll on your mental and physical health. I realized that being stressed constantly over classes that you aren't enjoying, at least for me, meant that I wasn't heading down the path to a future I want.
Now I know what it's like to love all my classes, even when I struggle. The topics I don't understand right away only encourage me to learn more, rather than dread going to class every day. When I talk to my parents, I spout information that I've learned and I am genuinely excited to share it with them. When my friends ask me how my day was, I tell them about how cool biology is and they sit there and listen to my rant, since they too have a major they love and know what it's like. When my boyfriend mentions the environment, I automatically begin to lecture about the many incredible topics and how they function.
I love being able to go to class and sit there, enthralled by the lecture, regardless of how little sleep I'm running on. I sit and do my readings and it doesn't feel like homework. My advisor is amazed by my excitement every time we meet because of how ready I am for my future. I look at the courses I am able to take and see countless opportunities to expand my knowledge about something I love.
I know I made the right decision, even after all the times I doubted changing my major, because now I know that you should be excited to go to class, to learn about your major, and to prepare yourself for a future that will never bore you.