Dear New York City,
You smell. You're crazy. You're dirty. You're crowded.
But you're also something else.
Now, I can't tell you exactly what it is that draws everyone in, but I know what does it for me. It's the fact that all of your imperfections join together and create one specific thing... perfection.
I guess I don't have all of the facts and I haven't exactly experienced you enough to have definite proof behind my reasonings. But, what I do know is that I have visited twice and each time, something resonated in me. That feeling of success. The willingness to try something new, and love it. To not be afraid and to go for my dreams.
NYC, to me, truly is a place to make dreams come true. Maybe Disney World has that "official title," but you have the feel. The second I step foot into the big city, I feel like I'm completely somewhere new. Somewhere different. Somewhere big things can happen.
Being a journalism major, you have always been the goal. News and entertainment are so big in the city and being able to write for a brand that I love, in a city that I love, brings me extreme happiness. And being happy and excited about a future career is more than important when it comes to the future.
Now besides the whole job ordeal, you have it all. With five boroughs, I don't think anyone would ever be bored. I know that subways may be considered gross and dirty, but it's worth it when it's either that or sitting in traffic for hours and hours. That's another thing. I'm a very impatient person, but you test that for me. You make me patient. Because a city so special makes it worth it.
From all of the stores on Fifth Avenue to the unbelievably huge stores in Times Square, I can guarantee that I will always have something to wear. It may be expensive, but I will try my very best to save up my money for you.
From all of the vendors on the streets, to the millions of restaurants in the city, being hungry isn't a problem either. On a hot day, I can easily find a bottle of water on almost every corner that I turn.
And don't even get me started on the entertainment and fun able to be had in the city. Times Square is just one thing; all of the crazy cool stores and crazy people on the streets, a second could never be dull. And that's important to me. Living in a place where I can always find something to do, something to make me happy, is so completely important.
Although a lot of people may disagree and say that you are just crowded, busy, gross and expensive, that's OK. More NYC for me!
Thank you for being the most magical place on earth.