Dear You,
Hi. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Irina and I just wanted to let you know how great you are. I know what you’re thinking. How can I know how great you are considering I’ve never met you? I just know... okay? I know I’ve never met you or looked into your eyes. But I assure you oh dear precious one that you create so many smiles.
I want you to know how special you are because so many people go throughout their every day lives without being reminded how spectacular they are. You are so very loved by those who surround you and others who may not have even met you yet.
Your presence is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Your unique imperfections make you exactly who you are, and if you didn't twirl your hair or say "like" after each word that slithers off your tongue, you simply wouldn't be the you that I and so many others are so very fond of.
You are perfect and don't have to prove yourself to anyone. You are the best possible version of yourself and nobody can replace you. You are already a winner and it isn't a trophy that glimmers in the sunlight, which tells others of your value. You are, well... YOU. There is no other human on this place we call earth who will ever be who you are. Take chances, make mistakes, learn from them and strive to become even better tomorrow than you were today. I am so proud of you, and it is because you are the way you are. It is the way you sip your coffee and the dimples that caress your cheeks.
I love your every nook and cranny and I know that, unfortunately, you may not love these so called imperfections that you label upon yourself. You have someone who cares and loves you just because you exist. You already have so much promise to offer the world and it isn't the ways in which you are similar to other people which makes you so unique. It is the things that I cannot even put into words, which distinguish you so wonderfully from the rest.
Never let what other people deem to be wrong with you make you feel any less worthy as a person. You are alive. So live. It isn't easy to take the words that other people spew at you and swallow them without a grimace. Words hurt, and people sting. Rise above those who try and bring you down. Stand up, hold that pretty chin of yours high and don't let the closed minds of others deter you from reaching your full potential.
You are YOU.
You are perfect in every step you take and breath you breathe.
I believe in you with my whole heart.
Don't try and be everyone else. Be the only thing you alone can be, and that is being YOU.
Take these words and hold them dear and know that my love is very near.
From a girl who never knew her worth until she realized it resided within her all along, this is from me to the wonderful, unique and absolutely incredible YOU.