To a younger, more vulnerable me,
You are small, naive, and full of wonder. Don't let anyone take that away from you, no matter how hard they may try. I can still feel the waves of uncertainty you felt as you looked in the mirror each morning, the overwhelming aura of self-hate still rings in my ears. Your voice is still in the back of my head, and it makes my heart beat a little faster each time. It's an echo of you, my younger self. You would have waited a lifetime for someone to call you beautiful, but really you were exquisite. A force to be reckoned with.
I'm here to tell you that you are more than you know. Your eyes are wide, filled to the brim with awe for your surrounding world. Your head is clouded with self-doubt, yet overflowing with wisdom for your age, you are so much smarter than you think. Whether deemed "ugly" by others or even by yourself, your teeth are the window to your voice, and god damn it, you have so much to say. Speak loudly, and speak your mind. Your hands, don't let their soft and dainty appearance fool you, they can build bridges and tear down skyscrapers, for you are capable of so much. Every step you take is a lesson learned, and your legs will carry more than the textbooks you try so hard to memorize, so go for a walk every once in a while. Your feet carry you through every day of your life, but remember that you are the only one walking in your shoes, never let anyone tell you how you should feel.
You will be loved, in more ways than you could ever know. The crushing feeling you have at the bottom of your stomach is temporary. Your fears of being alone are irrational, because how could somebody not love you? This doesn't mean people will not hurt you. I promise you, you are worth everything, even if a boy who looks like heartache doesn't think so. Between friendships, significant others, and your family, you will learn to know that the only person who will ever love you the way you need is yourself.
If there's one thing I can tell you, it's that time heals everything. You will turn into someone you are proud of.
All the love,
An older, stronger me.