A Love Letter To My Yoga Pants. | The Odyssey Online
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A Love Letter To My Yoga Pants.

Thank you for always being there when I needed you most.

A Love Letter To My Yoga Pants.

To my beloved yoga pants,

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. You’re there for me when I’m just not feeling jeans but I still want to look slightly presentable. Thank you for making my ass look nice and hugging my thighs tight when they’re sad (always). Thank you, yoga pants, for making me feel completely comfortable whilst I walk up the steepest hills known to man on Bloomsburg University’s campus. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I also want to thank you for showing me loyalty even after I’ve gained a few pounds through my four years of late night snacks and iced coffee runs. I appreciate the flexibility you allow me in many aspects, including shoe choice. Whether I want to wear sneakers, flip-flops, or ugg boots you respect my decision.

You have taught me one of the greatest lessons of all, anything goes with black, and I want to thank you immensely for that. You have shown me how to embrace my natural beauty on most days I would rather not do my makeup and wear my biggest hoodie along with you. Not to mention, you are my absolute hero when it comes to finals week. Everything about you screams comfort, physically and mentally. I must confess that ever since the first time I tried you on, I was hooked. I can no longer see myself wearing anything other than you and while I know sometimes I must just know I will think of you the entire time wishing you were the one I was wearing.

I have never found anything I love more than you, yoga pants. I vouch to cherish you and continuously love you until you rip in the thighs.. and even then I’ll throw you away with pride knowing how many cold 8ams you stood by me. I want to thank you because you single-handedly got me through college.


Every girl in America

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