Your freshman year roommate will always be memorable. For some of you its because this person was the worst human being you'd ever encountered. For me, she was one of the best. We're currently on year number two of living together (AKA year number two of being obsessed with each other) and we couldn't be happier. And yes, that does sound like something a couple say because that's exactly what we act like.
My roommate is one of the strongest people I know and inspires me every day. I don't know a single person besides her that could handle all the things that are constantly being thrown at her. She's the kind of person you just get happy when you're around her. I'm proud (and lucky) to call her one of my best friends.
Thank you for being my person.Yes, that old Grey's Anatomy cliche, but it's true. You're my person and I'd be lost without you. Everyone needs one, I'm so glad you're mine.
Thank you for always having my back. You always the person I want on my side when I'm fighting with someone and I truly feel sorry for anyone on the receiving end of your wrath. Before I even need to ask you're already sticking up for me.
Thank you for always going out of your way for me. Have one million things to do? Feeling sick as a dog because you just got surgery? Didn't matter, you still try to make big days for me as special as they can possibly be. Even if that means going out to buy my birthday presents when you have a fever or waiting at the window for me to get home.
Thank you for being just as obsessed with food as me. Granted, you have a six-pack and can afford to be obsessed with food more than I can. You're a great cook (forget about the extra crispy 'green' beans) and I love making monkey bread with you even when the oven catches on fire (twice). Also, Taco Bell breakfast, biscuits and butter.
Thank you for pushing me. Whether it was going to class or to be more outgoing, you always give me the little push I need.
Thank you for being blunt. I don't need someone who will just tell me what I want to hear. Thank you for just telling it to me straight and then helping handle whatever it is.
Thank you for always being there. Whether it was buying me a Valentine's Day present because my heart was broken or driving to Cook Out and McDonalds (yeah, we went to both) to get some comfort food, you always know what to do.
Thank you for always making me laugh. It doesn't matter how mad I am you always find a way to make me crack a smile. Even if it's because you told a frat to put me on their list as "Corn" or spastically dancing to Beyonce at midnight.
Thank you for putting up with my moods and phases. Whether it's one of my "I hate everyone" moods or that one weird phase when any time I agreed to anything I would text you "Yeahhhh baby" *Fetty Wap voice*. Thanks for loving me anyways.
Thank you for all the sleepovers. Last year when we shared a room it was a sleepover every night. Not going to lie, it was weird adjusting to having our own rooms. I'm glad you make me shower in your room (even though I have my own bathroom) so we can hang out and occasionally make me sleep with you in your bed. You're the only person I like to cuddle and you're the only one I'm willing to get out of bed before 10 am for.
Thank you for your stories. I look forward every day to you coming home and telling me all about the wild and crazy events that happened to you in the 5 hours we were separated.
And finally, thank you for being you. There are a million more things I want to thank you for but I would just never be able to cover it all. So, thank you for everything you do and everything you are. You are a beautiful person on the inside and out. Here's to many, many more Mountain-Dew filled years of being obsessed with each other. I love you, let's go watch Friends.