Christmas, I love you.
I love that peppermint and candy canes stock the shelves at every store. I love that Christmas music can be heard when you stroll through an aisle or grab coffee at a cafe. I love that Christmas movies are flashed on every channel of every television in family's homes. I love that stores hang garland and tinsel and the community comes together to see the lighting of the cities Christmas tree.
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They say that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and they aren't wrong. Ugly Christmas sweaters are worn to class, work and every event ever. Christmas parties are added to people's calendar. Calories are for sure not being counted because people are too scared to find out what their weight will be after the holidays.
You do have your down falls, though. The aisles of stores are long and shopping becomes an all day project. The amount of sugar cookies, candy canes, chocolate and pies people eat to celebrate the 25th of December is causing many people to say goodbye to their diets. People have to spend money on Christmas gifts when they do not really have money. Not to mention when you are gone we have to mourn your loss.
I love you, Christmas but I hate that in a few days it'll be over. Some people dread this time of year but some people, obviously me, love this time of year. When you're gone, the Christmas tree gets put away, the garland comes down, the gifts are all unwrapped, no more 25 Days of Christmas, no more Christmas music is played and everyone gets prepared for Valentine's Day, which is also known as the worse day ever for the single.
The countdown will begin for when it's this time of year again. Money will be saved for Christmas presents. Freeform will begin to think of what movies they will play and artists will start to produce new Christmas tunes. It all begin again but while you are away, it's hard.
I love Christmas because it is also a time for the family to be together. Whether their your angel and are looking down on the family in spirit, or there are present, remember this is the time to be with family. It is a time for your grandma to ask about your non-existent love life, or your uncle to crack those witty jokes or see old friends you missed so much at college. I love Christmas because it is when you're given three weeks off to spend time with your family when you all need it most.
It is the most wonderful time of the year, so we must enjoy it while it lasts.
Thanks for all the memories and good times, Christmas. You are truly loved by many all over the world.