Dear Skyline Chili,
I am writing you because it has been about a month now since I’ve seen you and tasted your goodness. I never thought I could miss something as much as I currently miss you. I want to apologize to you for cheating on you; I’ve had quite the affair with Big Mama’s Burritos, O’Bettys and Courtside Pizza. The more time I spend with them, though, the more I realize how much I need you and how hard this break is really going to be. I know that in just a few months I will see your face again, but until then I want to tell you how I feel about you. I miss you more than anything, almost as much as I miss my dog. Every part of you is perfect from 3-Ways and Coneys, to even the Greek salads. There’s not a single item on your menu I don’t miss and crave everyday.
As the days go by I miss and crave you more, the days are growing longer and harder without you. I often sit and imagine all the times we’ve had together like after high school football and basketball games, post concert splurging, and random trips two or three times a week. You were home to me, the place where I felt as if I belonged. You never let me down or left me unhappy, and you could always put a smile on my face and I thank you for that. If I could compare you to anything it would be heaven, there’s not a single thing about you that isn’t perfect. From the chili to the mountain of cheese on top, I love every inch.
We may not be a perfect couple, because Lord knows you aren’t good for me, and the calorie count is outrageous, but I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. There is truly no other place I love more, I hope someday you will come to Athens, Ohio where we can live together once again, but until then, I will wait for you and dream of delicious cheese Coneys, 3-Ways and chili cheese fries. I am counting down the days until I get to see you. I will love you always, Skyline.
Love You Forever and Always,