Dear Macaroni and Cheese,
Pizza, chicken wings, ice cream and tacos are yummy, but they are nothing in comparison to you, my darling Macaroni and Cheese. You must know that you are the most delectable meal out of everyone. I will try my hardest to keep this note brief, even though I could go on forever about my love for you.
You combine two of my favorite things: pasta and cheese. The way you blend them together is impossible to resist. I don’t know wat genius created you, but I do know that I must find them and kiss the ground they walk upon. Without them, I would have never known you.
I adore the fact that you are available everywhere. I always grab some boxes of you when I am in the supermarket. Annie’s, Kraft or Velveeta, the brand doesn’t matter. I know which aisle and which shelf by heart! I also must thank you for being very cheap. As you know I am a student in college so money is tight. You are one of the only foods that genuinely cares about the sake of my wallet.
I also tend to order you when I go out to eat. It does not matter how fancy the restaurant is or what else they are serving. If I see you on the menu, I have instantly made my final decision. I don’t mind if the chef throws in buffalo chicken or other ingredients either. You are delicious no matter what!
You must know that I truly appreciate how easy you are to make, especially when from a box. I simply boil a few cups of water, add the noodles, then mix in the cheese packet. How simple! I know that cooking isn’t my specialty, but golly, you make me feel like Gordon Ramsey.
Macaroni and Cheese, you are always there for me in times of trouble. When there is no other food in the house, there you are. When I have had too much to drink, there you are. When I need comfort after a bad day, there you are. You are not only my favorite food, but also one of my dearest friends.
I know I am only writing this letter because I accidentally skipped lunch and I am starting to get very hungry, but it is about time that someone gave you the recognition you deserve. Macaroni and Cheese, I have been through some hard times in my life, but you were always there to get me through them. I look forward to the future and the many, many more memories that await us.