Dear Greenville,
Thank you. Thank you for giving me so many of the amazing people in my life. Thank you for the lifetime of memories I've made in your city. Thank you for being full of so many kind, lovable, giving people that built me up. Thank you, also, for the not so kind, lovable, giving people for showing me the kind of person I didn't want to become. Thank you for showing me what it is like to feel part of a strong community. You've given me the benefits of living in a small town, like knowing my neighbors, all while living in a big city. But most of all, thank you for the memories. Your streets are where I learned how to drive. Your schools are where I met some of my closest friends. Greenville is the city that built me into the person I've become.
Greenville, I'm sorry for saying things like, "I can't wait to go to college," or, "There's nothing to do here." Because in my time away from you, I've come to appreciate the city that you are. My beautiful, accepting, lively Greenville. I never knew how much I would miss you until I went away to college. I didn't think I'd miss your downtown (that I have recently come to love), your delicious restaurants and your streets I can navigate without a GPS, unlike here. While I love my new city, you will always be my number one.
I miss you, Greenville. I miss the familiarity of your streets and the sights and smells of downtown. I miss running into people on the streets that I grew up with and have known my entire life. I miss the feeling of home that you gave me. I am who I am today because of you and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Every time I am on my way to you, I get this stirring feeling of excitement in the bottom of my stomach for you. This is something I never imagined I would feel for Greenville, but I'm so happy I've come to love and appreciate you. I'm so proud to say I come from you.
I'll see you soon,