People tell you that when you go to college you will find some of your best friends. These friends will change your life and become a huge part of who you are. They will be the people in your wedding someday, the people that will become a part of your family. I always heard this before I went to college...turns out it really is true.
The friendships that I have formed during my time in college are some that I can't picture my life without. They are the people that have made the last several years the best of my life. It's crazy to think that these people I see every day were strangers at one point. They have become such a huge part of my life that it seems crazy to think that at one time we did not know each other.
I honestly cannot imagine my college experience without the friends that have made me laugh uncontrollably and held my hand when I was upset. To these friends, who have made such an enormous impact on my life, I want to say thank you.
Thank you for the laughs, the car rides, the nights we hardly got any sleep. Thank you for never failing to make me smile even on the worst days. Thank you for the inside jokes, the never silent group chats, the random Snapchats throughout the day. For never judging me when I tell you an embarrassing story and for laughing along with me so it doesn't seem as bad. For the dinners where we ate too much, to the Chipotle runs, to the frozen yogurt dates. To all of the times you've listened to me go on and on about a boy. To every single detail that has made being friends with you all so amazing.
Thank you for always making sure I get home safe. For carrying me out of the bar when I've had a little too much fun. For dancing with me in Landmark's basement and for dealing with my obsession with quizzo. For letting me sleep on your couch and eat your food. For belting out country songs with me in the car.
Thank you for being the people that I know I can depend on no matter what. The people that I know will answer the knock on their door when I come home crying at 2 a.m. The people that I can call when I'm bored and want to do something random. The people that I could go anywhere with on Earth and have the time of my life.
College has given me so many amazing things, but the most important thing it has given me is my friends. I can't imagine myself ever going to any other school because this school has given me everything I'll ever really need. It has given me people that I know will be my forever friends. The people that I'll be able to call up fifty years from now and it will be like nothing has changed.
So thank you, friends, for all of the's to many, many more.