Dear Autumn,
As the air gets cooler and the days get shorter, I am reminded of your imminent return. The leaves are beginning to morph into beautiful shades of red, orange, and gold eagerly anticipating your arrival. A grin fills my face when the first leaf of the season falls gracefully to the ground. That is all it takes for my heart to grow two sizes too big. One simple leaf can flood my memory of all the reasons that I love you.
Please hurry, dear. I do not think I can take more of this nightmare called Summer. The hot, stickiness she forces upon me is, quite frankly, miserably unbearable. I cannot take this burden anymore. She is worth nothing compared to your crisp air that swaddles me as if I was a young child. I need to breathe and feel your air soon before all the water in my body escapes through my pores and leaves me helpless to die. Come save my life, Autumn.
I understand that your journey to me is a long and difficult, but please come save me from the wicked witch we know as Summer. I am a victim in this war and am begging you to be my knight in shining armor. If I do not get to experience your refreshing breath before my husband, Winter, returns from his hibernation, I fear our love we will lose.
I will be waiting.
Your lover