Alpha Delta Pi,
I really can not say enough wonderful things about you. I’m as cliché as they come when I talk about you, because although no one wants to hear another sorority girl rant on and on about how much she loves her sisters, but get ready because it’s coming.
To begin with, Eugenia, Octavia, Elizabeth, Ella, Sophronia, and Mary, you guys are not only ridiculously awesome for creating this sorority I get to be a part of, but because you created the very first secret society for women ever. Sororities are a thing because of our founders, so that is crazy.
Next, our motto, “We live for each other” is the perfect embodiment of sisterhood, and what being in a sorority is all about. We are there when a banner gets messed up the night before it’s needed and has to be redone, or there to help a sister cram and run flash cards all night long, and we are there at Chicken Finger Friday planning out our weekends together. No matter what it is, we really are always living for each other. Although it may have been this way whether it was our motto or not, the fact that it is our motto and that the values of sisterhood run so deeply in the history of our sorority is something to be proud of.
Continuing on with my love letter, let’s talk about how cool Ronald McDonald House Charities is. It is a "home away from home” for families with sick children in the hospital so that they can be close to them while they are going through treatment. These houses are either right next door to the hospital or just down the block, but it is free for those who need it to be, or they are asked to donate up to $25 a night. It is an amazing charity and we love supporting it financially through our fundraisers and getting the chance to go in and bring meals and spend time there. Shout out to my chapter Delta Delta for establishing it as our international philanthropy in 1979.
To finish up, on the outside, it may look like throwing diamonds everywhere we go, and taking pictures with a million girls in them, but it is clearly so much more. On the inside, it’s about yelling through the house “I’m going to sonic, who wants to come?” and filling up your car plus bringing 5 drink orders back with you. It’s about taking a nap on the couch in the living room of the chapter house because you need a break between classes, and it’s about having a huge group of girls you love. Thank you Alpha Delta Pi for giving me so much.
A Delta Member with too much emotion