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Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day, According To Your Love Language

Being single is never a crime, even on Valentine's Day.

Love Yourself This Valentine’s Day, According To Your Love Language

There's genuinely nothing wrong with you if you've been single for the entirety of your existence.

Sure, a lot of centuries ago, Geoffrey Chaucer decided that Valentine's Day was to be about romantic love, but, you know, that doesn't apply to all of us. And really, who is Chaucer to dictate the happiness of single souls several hundred years down the road?

So come February 14th (and just about every other day of the year), I propose we make our own happiness. Valentine's can be about loving yourself, because let's be honest, you can love yourself much better than anyone else can. So stop swiping on Tinder for a hot second and be happy loving you, because yes, really, you deserve it.

Once you know your love language, the idea of "loving yourself" becomes less of a vague abstraction and more of an achievable goal. And whilst "love language" sounds like a cool term that surfaced from the aesthetic crevices of Pinterest, fabricated for the purpose of fueling that millennial well-being and self-care mindset, understanding yours can be really meaningful.

Quality Time


In the incredibly busy, fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to get caught up in the next assignment, the next day, and the next goal. Take a moment to do something you like, that you usually wouldn't have time to do. Maybe it's hauling yourself to the gym (it'll be worth after), meditating in the early morning, or venturing to a new cafe. For some people, maybe it's just binging the last season of that Netflix show or finally reading that book that's been collecting dust on the shelf.

Words of Affirmation

Not to sound like a disillusioned, angsty college student, but this world is a competitive and cutthroat one. Sometimes your only friend might be yourself; so be your own biggest cheerleader!!! Maybe splurge on one of those aesthetic Muji notebooks and try some journaling, or jot down three things you love everyday. This one sounds a little stupid, but standing in front of the mirror and giving yourself a little positive pep talk can get your morning off to a great start (I may or may not have tried this…).

Acts of Service

Beauty by Sunrise

Channeling your inner Marie Kondo, do yourself a grand favor and clean your room up a bit. Sure it may feel like a chore, but looking around an organized room makes you feel productive AND gives the illusion that you have your life together. Truly a win-win. Or if being cleaning and organizing isn't your thing, a less awesome option could be to try some healthy meal-prepping or just a plain old manicure.

Receiving Gifts

Hey, splurging isn't always a bad thing. If this is your primary love language, maybe buying that coat you've been eyeing for a while is totally worth it. Or perhaps a bigger splurge -- like a solo ticket to another country you've been dreaming of visiting-- is in order. But really, it doesn't have to be something of high monetary value; maybe buying that candle or those orchids you love is enough for you.

Physical Touch


Tangible self-love always sounds like a good idea. Take a trip to the spa or schedule a bougie massage, complete with fragrant essence oils and soft flickering candles. Or you could totally stay in, pop a bath bomb in the tub, and take an aesthetic bubble bath.

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