3. Physical Touch - Massage | The Odyssey Online
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5 Irresistibly Romantic Gift Ideas Based On Your Valentine's Love Language

You're welcome in advance.

5 Irresistibly Romantic Gift Ideas Based On Your Valentine's Love Language

It takes skill to love someone the way they need to be loved and put your love language aside. By learning your partner's love language you can conquer Valentine's day and guarantee a stronger relationship. Some people like you to show them how you feel and couldn't care less about words. They want to see action as proof of affection. But some would rather have blunt and to the point words to feel their most loved.

Discovering your partner's love language and what sort of gift or service they prefer doesn't have to be a riddle with no answer. Observing their reactions can usually help solve the puzzle based on how they respond to various shows of affection. (Or you can casually take the free online assessment here!)

You're welcome in advance.

1. Acts of Service: Breakfast in bed

Do you know anyone who values a hot-and-ready dinner made for their arrival from work or swoons when all the chores are done in advance? Chances are these individuals speak in acts of service as their main love language. To impress them, try making them a surprise breakfast in bed or a surprise homemade dinner for when they get home. Do something for them that they would otherwise have to do if you weren't there. Go the extra mile and include some candles for a spark. Nothing speaks to an act of service person's heart like getting spoiled with thoughtful gestures.

2. Words of Affirmation - Letter

For those who are privy to words of affirmation, will be tending to melted hearts when they receive a handwritten letter, notating all your inner dialogue on why exactly you love them. Showing a vulnerable side of yourself in a tangible message will reassure the receiver that you have a strong affection for them, answering any unanswered questions they might have about your feelings. People with this love language preference find written or spoken praise to be their bread and butter, making a letter the perfect gift for them to reread over and over again!

3. Physical Touch - Massage 

A giant hug or a back rub can trigger the warmest emotional bond for people who are fond of physical touch above all the other love languages. In this case, a long massage after a busy week would unlock massive kudos. There are loads of tutorials from masters of this skill on YouTube that can assist in learning a few helpful techniques to impress your mate and leave them feeling rejuvenated at the end of the session. For additional flair, add in some chocolate covered strawberries and wine, or a favorite treat to snuggle and enjoy together afterward!

4. Quality time - Movie in a fort

Quality time is all about devoting undivided attention to another person, so mute those phones and commit to a few hours of movies or board games or any other activity they cherish. As a fellow quality time lover, I can attest to the grand ol' adult fort complete with cocktails, fuzzy blankets, and a variety of activities. Even if they don't love movies or games, you can always find creative ways to incorporate this idea in a slightly different way. Depending on what your significant other values, have the fort all stocked with games, movies, drinks, and snacks or art supplies to paint with before they arrive!

5. Gifts - Small present 

Everyone loves presents, but some people are even more obsessed than the rest of us. They find unmatched magic in giving and receiving gifts, which works in your favor because then you get to spoil them without having to decode their love language. Homemade gifts are usually more exciting. Plus it gives you the opportunity to make them an exceptionally personal gift, like a mixed CD or a date night in a box! But if you don't feel like going through all that jazz, just buy them something you've heard them mention before. Either way, they will be delighted to unwrap a surprise.

This season is really all about showing your loved ones how much you care, regardless of romantic relationship status. The gesture isn't limited to significant others! Doing nice things for the people you love can be any day of the week or time of the year. Discovering love languages doesn't have to be tricky, but can be exhilarating discovering new things about each other.

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