There's a song by Sara Bareilles that goes a little something like this, "She's imperfect, but she tries/ She is good, but she lies/ She is hard on herself/ She is broken, and won't ask for help/ She is messy, but she's kind/ She is lonely, most of the time/ She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie/ She is gone, but she used to be mine."
Now if you have zero idea of what I am talking about, then go to YouTube and listen to this'll thank me later. It's a song about what happens when you lose sight of yourself, and all the things that make you imperfectly you. It's a message that hit me like a sack of bricks, and it's a message that needs to be shared.
I'm not sure when we started having this preconceived notion that we are supposed to be perfect every second of every day, or at least trying to be the type of "perfect" all the magazines talk about. "Stand up straight," "Eat your vegetables," "Smile pretty," "Wear makeup...No, not that much makeup," "Show some skin," "Don't dress like a whore," "Ladies don't cuss darling."
As far as I'm concerned the next person who says one of these lines needs to be punched in the face (and I say that with a pretty smile and perfectly applied mascara). We are human beings, not robots. We are meant to make mistakes and learn from them. To take chance, and chase dreams, and reach for stars, and any other cliché line you can think of.
And when you take a chance on your dreams, it's okay to fall short. It's also okay to take time to find a new dream.
Finding perfection in your own flaws is something we all need to learn to do, myself included. I spent all four years of high school trying to do everything perfectly. Hell, I've spent most of my life trying to do everything perfectly: Get all the answers right, make my teachers proud, impress my coaches, appease my parents.
I tried to be smart enough, pretty enough, funny enough...and when I was able to do all of those things, I still felt like I could have done more. Chasing that impossible goal of perfection left me so unhappy that I lost sight of who I was on the inside, and sometimes that person is a sarcastic a-hole but that's okay.
It's okay to flawed, and broken, and even a little damaged. Join the club honey, I think we might even get cool t-shirts made. If you take nothing else from this rambling string of statements I'm calling an article then take this...
You are, and always will be, ENOUGH.
Anyone who can't see that (even it's the person in the mirror staring back at you) needs a wake up call. I don't care if you have to look in that mirror and tell yourself those 7 little words every day, keep saying them until they sink in. Because you are too great to not know your own worth.