People ask me all the time if I believe in gay marriage. This is a very touchy subject for me in particular because I don't feel as if there is a simple way to answer, but if I had to pick a definitive answer, I'd say no. I believe that you should be enabled the right to do so if you please, but I don't necessarily support it. This is because it's a sin. Since I am a Christian, I am told to use Jesus' life as an example for mine, and the Bible as a reference. It paints a clear picture of what sin is and what behaviors are sin, and homosexuality is one of them. I don't find many people who would disagree.
But, of all the sins mentioned in the Bible, did you know that homosexuality is only mentioned about 3-7 times, depending on how you interpret the verses? It is actually one of the least talked about sins throughout the bible. Ironically enough, it is one of the most talked about in our culture today. Does that make it "less" of a sin than any other? Absolutely not.
Because sin is sin is sin.
It's funny how people become a Biblical literalist when it comes to homosexuality, but not to any of the sins that many commit every single day. Lying. Adultery. Stealing. Sex outside of marriage. Slander. Gluttony... just to name a few. We dismiss these things because they are so much more common, as if they are excusable. We are hasty with our opinions and conclusions on other people's sin, but pray for grace and argue for understanding and acceptance when it's our own.
The reason I don't "believe" in gay marriage is the same reason I don't "believe" in cheating on your spouse. Because it is a sin. And as a follower of Christ, how can I "believe" in a life of sin?
But regardless of the life they choose, I will love them anyways.
I will love them because I love Jesus. I will love them because in Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus tells me that I am commanded to love my neighbor. I will love my gay neighbor, my lying neighbor, my racist neighbor, my addicted neighbor, and my atheist neighbor in the same way in which I will love my pastor neighbor, my Godly neighbor, and my most trusted neighbor. I will love them with the boundless love in which I pray others love me with. I do not "love the sinner, hate the sin," I just love the sinner.
I will not shun them.
I will not shun nor condemn them because it is not my job. I will not shun them because though my sins may be different, they are still sins, and I can't imagine someone shunning me for mine. I will not shun them because though I make many mistakes, I hope to live a life that points people towards Jesus, and shunning them would only point them further away.
I will love them and I will not shun them because if I do so, that is me saying that they cannot be forgiven. When Christ shed his blood on the cross, he relieved every single person in the world of all sin that they have ever and will ever commit. Christ either died for all of us, or he died for none of us. And I refuse for my hate to ever be the reason that someone does not believe that.