Today as I type this article I am shook at how much we take our lives for granted. We as a whole people are selfish (as we think we should be) but today I am here to advise you not to be so selfish, love more, and never think you have all the time in the world. Because, you do not.
Why are we naturally so selfish? Because we all think the world owes us something, but let me just enlighten you; it doesn't. We were put here for the sole purpose of loving each other and striving to be more like Christ, and in case you haven't noticed we have stopped thriving for that. We have and always will be selfish, but we can change the level of selfishness we bestow upon others.
Do you know what people want more than anything? Love, we thirst for it. So, Why don't we show it more often? I wish I had an answer, but unfortunately I do not. All I can say to do is compliment each other, because a compliment can change a person's whole day. So, why not go ahead and be nice. We don't have to put up a front that we are stronger than we truly are. Be vulnerable. Be raw with each other. Because we are here on borrowed time and our time could be up tomorrow morning. So love with your whole heart.
Closing this topic I wanted to point out that we do not have time to be hateful,selfish or greedy because one day we will die and on that day when you look back on your life, and see that you wasted your time you're going to be disappointed. If you think the previous statement is not true for you then either you're perfect or you need a reality check.
I know this is a hard pill to swallow but if I don't say it then nobody will. Go out, be adventurous, love more, give more, care more and show compassion, because we simply do not have the time to be anything other than loving. So please, take my advice... don't take your life for granted.