Love is a not a light switch. You don't get to turn it on when it's convenient and pretty, only to crawl back to darkness. You can't claim benevolence when the public eye is watching and continue to plaster hate posters on your hidden walls. And yes, you can't even change your Facebook profile picture to a rainbow overlay (yeah I went there) in hopes that your apathetic sighs are covered by your "heroic activism." Love is not a light switch.
Contrary to popular belief, social media posts and Instagram photos don't constitute you as an activist...far from it. In the face of the Orlando Pulse shooting, an absolutely vile and disgusting hate crime, a plethora of sympathizers have made their way out of hiding. Suddenly, everyone is in support of the LGBTQIA community. Please do not misunderstand, supporting a victimized minority group is not wrong...but one must ask the question of what you are doing the other 364 days of the year.
Innocent lives were taken and bloodshed that committed no crime...103 lives injured or murdered simply for existing. That is a crime. The fact of the matter remains that while we are arguing about the safety of our beloved Target bathrooms, hatred is mounting against the same human race. While you are debating the legality of gay marriage, somebody's son takes his last breath at the hands of a gunman.
To say I am angry is an understatement. To begin with, one should not even have to worry about the slaughter of a minority group. Yet, the world continues to fall further into depravity. So the question remains: What are you going to do about it?
What am I going to do about it? Passive is the same as perpetrator. Although you may not be the one to pull the trigger, inaction only further cements destructive and hateful views. Love must be a constant and continual act. Making a difference starts with consistency. We love fiercely and with abandonment all of the time, or not at all. We don't get to chose to jump on the bandwagon when it looks good; rather, we must actively pursue those who are neglected and treated as lesser-than.
I always find it odd how natural disasters bring about a sudden skyrocket in social awareness. When an earthquake devastates a third world country, music festivals, t-shirts, and online fundraising campaigns are suddenly birthed. Not wrong by any means; yet, I find it odd that we are so quick to forget the country was impoverished to begin with. Just because something is not on the news, does not mean that it isn't happening. Whether televised or not, injustices occur every second...we must not, we can not, only tune in our ears when a primped reporter tells us to.
The LGBTQIA community needs support and love from those who are afforded unfair privileges simply because of their sexual orientation. It is my duty as a human being to advocate for the voiceless every single day. I may never open a non-profit organization or march during gay pride (although I hope to) but I will always hold the hands of those who are in need.
Tragedy is an unfortunate reality of the world...monopolizing on it doesn't have to be. So to the victims and families of those lost, my prayers and love goes with you. Although I be but one woman, my voice will be used to invoke thought, my hands to build bridges, and my mind to create new worlds. Love is a not a light switch. It's the sun, and it's always on.