I totally get it. I use social media as much as the next person. In fact, I am forever getting yelled at for being on my phone, by my dad, by my boyfriend, and sadly even by my boss at work sometimes. I also have an account with just about every social media site people use. I have Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, so I am totally in on the action when it comes to what and how often people post on those sites. I think we can all name someone we know that is constantly putting up pictures of their every day life. My Timehop app gives me the wonderful pleasure of letting me know I use to be one of those people.
I used to always make sure people knew what I was eating, where I was, and who I was with, and as I have grown older and just completed my freshman year at college, I’ve come to the realization that none of that is really important. I’m not saying I don’t post anything on social media anymore because I would definitely be lying. I still post pictures on Facebook and Instagram and give my opinion on topics on Twitter, but it’s what I post about that has changed a bit. Especially being in college, I always notice these new trends popping up everywhere- the sorority girl poses, girls with the half up pony-tail Ariana Grande thing, Yeti butts, and the classic “summertime sitting on a giant animal float in the pool” thing.
Those picture ideas are great and all, and as much as we say they get on our nerves, we are always guilty of committing at least one mainstream social media sin, myself included. Amongst the news feed of these pictures, 99 percent of the time, there is one more post that we all tend to crave for some odd reason- relationships, couple photos, etc. There are a couple of things that run through our minds when we see these photos. “Aw, they’re so cute.” “Didn’t he just have a different girlfriend like two weeks ago?” “OMG, are they together now?” We’re all guilty, but don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s not always our faults for thinking these things.
I just got into a new relationship this past October, and I can honestly say that I have been happier in this one than any one I have ever been in before. I think it ‘s because I have gone about doing things a little differently, especially when it comes to posting on social media about it. In high school, it tends to always be about how your relationship looked on the outside, and I think that’s a big transition from high school to college that people make at different times. I have seen first hand how this doesn’t come as easily to some as it does to others.
Fortunately, I have taken a step back, and I have realized that I don’t have to pretend like my relationship is perfect at all times. With that being said, I am very happy with my boyfriend. I would go to the moon and back for him and I think he would do the same for me. He takes care of me, he makes sure I am happy and safe, but much like anyone else, we butt heads occasionally. But honestly, I would be more worried if we didn’t. I have posted a ton of things on Instagram and Facebook about him. I post on Instagram mainly for my friends from my hometown and usually Facebook for my family I don’t get to see as often, just to let them know I am doing okay and also to show off what I moved to college and found because who doesn’t love to gloat?
Before I post any mushy gushy picture and caption, I always think to myself, “Am I as genuinely happy as this post portrays?” It just drives me crazy when couples my age always post pictures online to, I guess, “save” their relationship. If you have to go as far as posting a picture with some mushy caption to help “save” your relationship, you might want to take a second look at if you should even be in one at all. If you really think he or she is the one for you and you guys hit a rocky patch, put the phones down and fix it. You can’t make people think you’re in love with someone online if you aren’t in love offline. Keep in mind next time you try to find that perfect filter and click share that love is not an Instagram post. Love is much, much more than that.